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lucy - aren't we just terrified.

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« Invité »

lucy - aren't we just terrified.  Empty
MessageSujet: lucy - aren't we just terrified. lucy - aren't we just terrified.  EmptySam 9 Fév - 23:11

jolene lucy moriarty
locked out of heaven
✖ NOM(S): lmoriarty ✖ PRÉNOM(S): jolene lucy ✖ ÂGE: vingt quatre ans ✖ LIEU ET DATE DE NAISSANCE: écrire ici. ✖ METIER: stagiaire dans une boite de journalisme ✖ ORIENTATION SEXUELLE: hétérosexuelle ✖ SITUATION CIVILE: célibataire ✖ QUALITÉS: attachante, souriante, amusante, fêtarde et à l'écoute. ✖ DÉFAUTS: insouciante, irresponsable, impulsive, capricieuse et têtue. ✖ GROUPE: like peter ✖ COPYRIGHT: tumblr.

"tic, manie, trucmachin à savoir sur toi ◮ tic, manie, trucmachin à savoir sur toi ◮ tic, manie, trucmachin à savoir sur toi ◮ tic, manie, trucmachin à savoir sur toi ◮ tic, manie, trucmachin à savoir sur toi ◮ tic, manie, trucmachin à savoir sur toi ◮ tic, manie, trucmachin à savoir sur toi ◮ tic, manie, trucmachin à savoir sur toi ◮ tic, manie, trucmachin à savoir sur toi ◮ tic, manie, trucmachin à savoir sur toi .

◮ Quel était votre rêve le plus fou lorsque vous étiez enfant?
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◮ Quel est LE truc que vous faisiez enfant et que vous ne pouvez plus faire maintenant?
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◮ Ça veut dire quoi être adulte exactement pour vous?
réponse. ( 5 lignes minimum)

◮ Une petite anecdote, peut-être? & une phrase fétiche?
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<taken>avatar en minuscules</taken>[color=black] ∞[/color] pseudo en minuscules

Dernière édition par J. Lucy Moriarty le Sam 9 Fév - 23:21, édité 1 fois
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« Invité »

lucy - aren't we just terrified.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: lucy - aren't we just terrified. lucy - aren't we just terrified.  EmptySam 9 Fév - 23:12

L'histoire de votre personnage, à présenter sous la forme que vous désirez en une quarantaine de lignes minimum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed porta condimentum nunc a porta. Maecenas dapibus nibh sit amet felis imperdiet at aliquam lorem gravida. In metus augue, ultrices ut tristique et, pretium ac sem. Vestibulum tincidunt commodo lacus a varius. Vivamus a dictum felis. Aliquam molestie sollicitudin neque, a eleifend eros rutrum et. Aliquam rutrum laoreet dolor vitae volutpat. Phasellus sodales tincidunt purus id fermentum. Etiam vel massa felis, et consectetur ligula. Sed tempor rhoncus lectus at semper. Vivamus a metus et turpis suscipit mollis quis at dui. Cras consectetur vulputate turpis, in ornare neque tincidunt sed. Morbi dapibus luctus urna. Duis et congue quam. Sed sit amet ante justo. Mauris vitae commodo sapien. Sed sagittis mattis urna. Aliquam sit amet nulla a lorem scelerisque vulputate. Pellentesque mattis faucibus lobortis. Phasellus ut purus tellus, ac vulputate leo. Donec luctus, nunc eget tincidunt elementum, nulla ipsum consequat orci, a dignissim nisl lectus id mi. Nullam eros lacus, ultrices eget condimentum non, tempus ac sapien. Aenean nec lorem eget massa viverra porta quis vitae erat. Phasellus eleifend ante non leo blandit ut tincidunt eros pellentesque. Nam dapibus condimentum nisl in commodo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse laoreet commodo facilisis. Cras id orci id nulla volutpat vehicula vitae eget justo. Etiam consequat sapien ac libero viverra adipiscing. Nam mollis, sapien sit amet ullamcorper sagittis, augue magna ornare enim, tempor porttitor ligula eros non augue. Aenean lobortis dolor id massa rutrum pellentesque semper urna volutpat. Cras nec pulvinar est. Duis tristique quam id ligula sodales ornare. Nulla facilisi. In et vehicula lectus. Ut condimentum, leo ut consectetur feugiat, tellus quam consectetur velit, eu iaculis enim mi ac dolor. Aliquam erat elit, pellentesque vel tincidunt id, consequat a neque.
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Scarlett R. Donaldson

« Scarlett R. Donaldson »
Admin ∞ crochet est pourri.

๑ Tes messages : 96

๑ Ses amours : Officiellement célibatarde, officieusement amoureuse de sa meilleure amie et développe des sentiments pour une autre demoiselle. C'est la merde quoi!

๑ Son emploi : étudiante en art au community college de Barnstable

๑ Disponibilité pour rp : Disponible, viens donc me voir petit padawan.

lucy - aren't we just terrified.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: lucy - aren't we just terrified. lucy - aren't we just terrified.  EmptySam 9 Fév - 23:14

"Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
I'm begging of you please don't take my man
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
Please don't take him just because you can
J'adore ce prénom (et la chanson d'ailleurs lucy - aren't we just terrified.  1881463262) et puis Candice lucy - aren't we just terrified.  577704309.

Bienvenue parmi nous lucy - aren't we just terrified.  180446442.
Bon courage pour ta fiche lucy - aren't we just terrified.  3896955091. Si tu as des questions, n'hésite pas.
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« Invité »

lucy - aren't we just terrified.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: lucy - aren't we just terrified. lucy - aren't we just terrified.  EmptySam 9 Fév - 23:23

BIENVENUUUUUUE MA NIÈCE lucy - aren't we just terrified.  3817709046
Bonne chance pour ta fiche et si tu as des questions n'hésite pas lucy - aren't we just terrified.  1247806006
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Oswin EJ. Vance

« Oswin EJ. Vance »
Admin ∞ crochet est pourri.

๑ Tes messages : 106

๑ Ses amours : célibataire, mais les histoires de couple ont toujours été bien compliquées pour elle.

๑ Son emploi : stagiaire assistante pour un magasine de potins et autres embrouilles plutôt local.

๑ Disponibilité pour rp : 1/2, je suis ouverte, dispo, fraiche, demande quoi (a).

lucy - aren't we just terrified.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: lucy - aren't we just terrified. lucy - aren't we just terrified.  EmptyDim 10 Fév - 0:42

MA BFF lucy - aren't we just terrified.  180446442 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  899257193 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  1029754304 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  2048740776
BIENVENUUUUE bonne chance pour ta fichette x)
Si tu as des questions, n'hésite pas lucy - aren't we just terrified.  577704309 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  4205929361 btw, je vais essayer de rassembler mes idées (c'pas facile des fois lucy - aren't we just terrified.  1881463262) pour te mpotter le lien que j'avais en tête sur Oswin/Lucy (a)
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« Invité »

lucy - aren't we just terrified.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: lucy - aren't we just terrified. lucy - aren't we just terrified.  EmptyDim 10 Fév - 6:39

merci beaucoup. lucy - aren't we just terrified.  1946737647
pas de problème, j'attends ton mp oswin. I love you
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Leïa-Rain M. D.-Pond

« Leïa-Rain M. D.-Pond »
Admin ∞ crochet est pourri.

๑ Tes messages : 174

๑ Ses amours : célibataire, elle foire toujours tout et particulièrement niveau coeur.

๑ Son emploi : serveuse dans un bar miteux. A croire que son oncle avait raison en la traitant de bonne à rien.

๑ Disponibilité pour rp : 2/2 rp de libres

lucy - aren't we just terrified.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: lucy - aren't we just terrified. lucy - aren't we just terrified.  EmptyDim 10 Fév - 7:58

    lucy - aren't we just terrified.  1881463262 Je savais qu'elle allait déballer la chanson! lucy - aren't we just terrified.  1881463262

    BIENVENUE SUR TPPC lucy - aren't we just terrified.  2048740776
    Bon courage pour ta fichette! lucy - aren't we just terrified.  1817655808 Et puis, si tu as le moindre soucis: n'hésite surtout pas! lucy - aren't we just terrified.  2124793060

    lucy - aren't we just terrified.  263356985 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  180446442 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  40742102 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  305504174 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  711552244 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  656897125 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  491350121 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  1425538829 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  2225400551 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  891098728 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  899257193 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  353868199 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  1034520638 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  1029754304 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  1001172573 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  1107506977 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  1117500457 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  1688815589 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  1817655808 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  1828999080 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  1814739676 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  1839924927 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  1989385392 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  2048740776 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  2124793060 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  2339336766 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  2063618935 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  1247806006 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  1997013955 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  2798907647 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  2877957164 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  3040868389 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  3371923627 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  3896955091 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  2774444739 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  3371923627 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  3749644248 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  3840389542 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  3860856528 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  3912001359 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  3967998059 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  4205929361 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  4225910304 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  4153354820 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  4060891147 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  3973136183 lucy - 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aren't we just terrified.  1001172573 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  1107506977 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  1117500457 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  1688815589 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  1817655808 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  1828999080 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  1814739676 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  1839924927 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  1989385392 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  2048740776 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  2124793060 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  2339336766 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  2063618935 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  1247806006 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  1997013955 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  2798907647 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  2877957164 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  3040868389 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  3371923627 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  3896955091 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  2774444739 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  3371923627 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  3749644248 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  3840389542 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  3860856528 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  3912001359 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  3967998059 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  4205929361 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  4225910304 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  4153354820 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  4060891147 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  3973136183 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  4264313976 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  4235651933 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  725669749
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Theddie-Jane C.-Hawkes

« Theddie-Jane C.-Hawkes »
membre Ҩ finding neverland

๑ Tes messages : 63

๑ Ses amours : mariée, mais compliqué décrit bien la situation

๑ Son emploi : psychologue

๑ Disponibilité pour rp : (libre)

lucy - aren't we just terrified.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: lucy - aren't we just terrified. lucy - aren't we just terrified.  EmptyDim 10 Fév - 8:05

oh Candicola lucy - aren't we just terrified.  2048740776
Bienvenue ici lucy - aren't we just terrified.  2078226465
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Luna-Jynn K. J. Harper

« Luna-Jynn K. J. Harper »
membre Ҩ finding neverland

๑ Tes messages : 122

๑ Ses amours : c'est compliqué

๑ Son emploi : dresseuse animalière

๑ Disponibilité pour rp : oui.

lucy - aren't we just terrified.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: lucy - aren't we just terrified. lucy - aren't we just terrified.  EmptyDim 10 Fév - 11:44

bienvenue parmi nous lucy - aren't we just terrified.  711552244 lucy - aren't we just terrified.  353868199
candicolaaaa ! lucy - aren't we just terrified.  4205929361
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« Contenu sponsorisé »

lucy - aren't we just terrified.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: lucy - aren't we just terrified. lucy - aren't we just terrified.  Empty

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lucy - aren't we just terrified.

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